Page 2 - EBU Triple Scoring Booklet
P. 2

Playing in the Triple

We’re using a triple today because there is an odd number
of teams competing.

Triple matches may be short [two 3-board matches lasting
for one round] or long [two 7-board matches lasting for two
rounds]. Note that a different VP scale applies to 3-board
matches [see back page].

The schedule of short and long triples in an event depends
on a number of factors, but your TDs will instruct you as to
exactly what’s happening.

In a short triple six of the boards you play will be the same
as those being played in the rest of the event, supplemented
by boards 50-52. In a long triple you play the same 7-board
sets being played in the rest of the event for the two rounds,
supplemented by boards 50-56.

For your first 3- or 7-board triple match, you will use your
home-team Bridgemate: for your second match you will use
a ‘phantom’ Bridgemate provided by the TD.

The TD will also direct the EW pairs as to which table they
should move for each of their two matches.

You will not play in the triple more than once.
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